Smiths News


Smiths News is the UK’s leading newspaper and magazine wholesaler. Viarti has been working with their internal communications and marketing team since they rebranded from Connect Group plc in November 2020.


Internal colleague survey

Designed to take the pulse of the workforce via posters and email communication. An eye-catching graphic combined with a straightforward call to action.

Going the extra mile

As an incentive to encourage Smiths News’ colleagues to nominate people who had gone the extra mile and delivered in line with the company’s values, a poster and 6 page nomination card were produced. The rocket imagery indicated going above and beyond in a positive and fun way.

Colleague newsletter

An A3 newsletter designed for all of Smiths News staff including colleagues in ancillary businesses; Martin Lavell, InStore and DMD. We created this easy to read newsletter using the chain device developed for Smiths News rebranding. A printed piece sent to all staff every quarter.

Colleague engagement

What Matters gives Smiths News employees a chance to voice concerns, issues and suggest improvements. In a two-part communication, posters displayed what had been achieved since the last survey and encouraged interaction by scanning a QR code to take the most recent survey.

A word from Katie…

Thank you so much for all of your support, we really appreciate it – I don’t know what we’d have done without you at points in the last few months so just wanted to say a big thanks!

Katie Cozens, Internal Communications Specialist, Smiths News

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