London Tree Officers Association


Created in 1982 out of a need for contact and exchange of information on arboricultural matters between London boroughs, the role of the LTOA is to promote, support and enhance the urban forest and those who manage it.


Damage to trees by dogs

An information leaflet and good practice guide were created to highlight the growing problem of damage caused to trees by ‘weapon’ or ‘trophy’ dogs and their owners. The trees often are killed by the damage caused by strengthening jaws and attack training.

Trees do more than you think

This leaflet and poster were commissioned by an alliance of professionals involved in tree management. The aim was to educate an audience across a wide age range in schools, libraries and other community contact points.

Urban forestry visualisation

A protocol document which gives guidance to those commissioning or producing visualisations of the impact trees have in urban environments. A complex document which needed clear layout and organisation.

A word from Becky…

Vernon at Viarti is professional and easy to work with, he is very responsive and collaborative in his work with us. We couldn’t be more pleased with the end results, visually our guidance documents are attractive and clear to read and understand.

Becky Porter, Executive Officer, London Tree Officers Association

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